Due to the potential risk of litigation over damage to natural resources or human health, environmental site assessments are crucial before the purchase, sale, development, or refinancing of many commercial and industrial properties. Flynn clients include banks, attorneys, realtors, insurance companies, property owners, and potential property buyers.
Phase 1 environmental Site Assessment
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments are conducted to identify recognized environmental conditions, including the presence or likely presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products. Flynn performs Phase I site assessments in accordance with ASTM Standards. Phase I site assessments typically consist of:
- A site inspection
- A review of pertinent records to determine the current and past use of the site and adjacent properties
- Interviews with current and past landowners, the local fire department, and local and regional health departments
- A review of state and federal environmental databases
Results are complied in a concise report clearly identifying potential risk areas.
Transaction Screen
A Transaction Screen is a smaller, less expensive version of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. Like Phase I ESAs, Transaction Screens are designed to identify potential environmental concerns, but they do not include as much historical data.
Phase 2 environmental Site Assessment
If potential environmental concerns are identified during a Phase I Site Assessment or Transaction Screen, soil and groundwater sampling may be required to evaluate the existence, nature, and extent of the contamination. Flynn has extensive experience designing and implementing sampling plans. Once contamination has been characterized, we can offer remedial services or conduct a risk assessment to eliminate the problem.
Asbestos Surveys
A certified Hazard Evaluation Specialist will identify, sample, and analyze suspect asbestos-containing materials for compliance with OSHA and NESHAPS regulations.